Hi Kia.
> I wanted to ask if you used actual external hardware to implement MIPS or if you used a MIPS simulator?
My motivation to start this project was to have a GDB support for my Play Station emulator, which uses MIPS R3000 CPU. But for this particular article, it is irrelevant because I'm only writing a GDB stub using javascript. So it doesn't require neither MIPS hardware nor an emulator.
The reason that you are seeing your error is likely caused by your GDB not supporting MIPS. I used GDB 12.1 x86_64-apple-darwin21.5.0 on macos.
It seems like your gdb isn't built with a MIPS support. What GDB do you use on what environment? You may want to download a GDB with MIPS support or build one yourself from the source code.